Media Release - Muskoka Lakes Approves New Strategic Plan
MUSKOKA LAKES – The Township of Muskoka Lakes Council has approved a new Strategic Plan (2021-2024) which is intended to bridge this term of Council with the next. A successful strategic plan is a guiding document that will support Council decision-making and staff activities to ensure that the Township is moving in the right direction.
The natural and cultural wonders of the Township of Muskoka Lakes have made it a globally recognized place to visit, live and play. With a vision focused on protecting and enhancing these features for future generations, the strategic plan becomes the catalyst for setting direction and inspiring higher performance.
“Our community has confirmed a strong vision, to which our Council and staff team are committed to fulfilling.” says Mayor Harding. “I would like to thank all the community members and groups, staff and Council for their engagement in, and commitment to, the process of developing this Strategic Plan.”
The Strategic Plan contains a series of goals to guide continuous improvement of services and programs to meet the evolving needs and priorities of our community.
View the Township of Muskoka Lakes Strategic Plan 2021-2024 online at www.muskokalakes.ca.
For more information, please contact:
Derrick Hammond
Chief Administrative Officer
(705) 765-3156
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