Emergency Preparedness
Welcome to the Township of Muskoka Lakes Emergency Services Department.
Emergency Management Program
The Township of Muskoka Lakes has an Emergency Response Plan in place to help deal with all types of emergencies. Our Township is not immune to disasters. The isolated and topographical nature of our area, the very reason that most people are drawn to Muskoka Lakes, can also make it very challenging during an emergency.
Public Awareness is a key element of our Emergency Management Program and as such it is imperative that residents are aware of the following:
Notification of an emergency does not always start at the top. In order for the Community Control Group to realize that there is an emergency, we must be notified. This may include residents contacting the Township office to provide or seek information. If deemed an immediate emergency a resident may activate emergency resources through use of the 911 reporting protocol.
Information & Reporting Non- Immediate Emergencies |
Township of Muskoka Lakes Municipal Office - (705) 765 3156 |
911– Reporting of Emergencies |
Note: Residents that use specialized medical equipment (i.e. O2 systems) and are without power should consider this an emergency and call 911. Call 9-1-1 when you need help if:
When 9-1-1 is dialed in an emergency, you will be asked which service you require:
When you call 9-1-1:
Do not hang up unless you are in danger! For non-life threatening assistance Dial 2-1-1. A live person will be able to assist you. |
Emergency Reception & Evacuation Centres |
All District of Muskoka municipalities should have a standardized means by which to identify their reception centres and the services each provides. All sites have been broken down into three categories:
Note: Residents are encouraged to contact the Township Emergency Information line at (705) 765-3156 for information regarding the activation of the reception center or any of the evacuation centres. |
Residents Protecting & Preparing for Themselves |
A disaster, be it natural or human-caused, could happen anytime and anywhere. If a natural disaster does strike, being prepared well in advance can make the difference between inconvenience and immense losses. A general rule of thumb used by Emergency Management Ontario is that under NORMAL circumstances an individual should be prepared to survive for the first 72 hours (3 days) of any emergency. To help you prepare the following survival kit checklist has been provided. Emergency Survival Checklist (Three-day supply per person)
Prepare Now, Learn How |
Contact Us