Reduced Load Period
Every year during the period from March 1st to approximately May 31st all roads within the Township of Muskoka Lakes road system are subject to reduced loads. A limit of 5 tonnes per axle is in effect until May 31st or a date determined by staff when the restriction can safely be removed.
Truck operators travelling through the Township (not making a local delivery) are legally obligated to use only roadways designated as permissive truck routes.
All roads within the Township are subject to the weight and dimension restrictions as set out in the Highway Traffic Act. An Oversize/Overweight Permit is required for individuals or companies wanting to move loads that exceed Ontario Ministry of Transportation legislated limits on height, length, width, or weight. Exemptions will not normally be granted during the half load period except in most extreme of circumstances and then only when the load is not divisible.
For more information on road closures and weight restrictions visit Roads and Sidewalks or Subscribe to receive updates. If you have questions about our Reduced Road Limit Period, Contact Us by phone at 705-765-3156.
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