Internet Connectivity
High-speed broadband internet is an essential service needed for quality of life, economic benefit, community development, healthcare, and education. Improving access to affordable high-speed, broadband Internet for the residents and businesses in Muskoka Lakes is a priority for the Township.
Latest News
The Ontario government has launched a new interactive map that will make it easier for residents and businesses to learn more about provincially funded high-speed internet projects across the province. Users can search the map by address, community or municipality to find project details, including information on construction status and internet service providers that will be delivering reliable high-speed internet in unserved and underserved communities.
Current Muskoka Lakes Broadband Projects
Muskoka Lakes Broadband Projects |
Rogers Communications - Muskoka Lakes (Details)
Bell Canada - Muskoka Lakes (Details)
Cogeco - Port Carling & Bala (Details)
Bell Canada - Bracebridge, Glen Orchard, Golden Beach, Gravenhurst, Milford Bay, Mortimer’s Point, Torrance, Walkers Point (Details)
Bell Canada - Port Carling, Minett, Juddhaven, Port Sandfield, Glen Orchard (Details)
Regional Broadband Strategy approved by District of Muskoka
The plan represents a high-level set of recommendations developed by Clearcable Networks and Rothschild & Co. as a tool for stakeholders to understand the overall technology, design, requirements, and costs of potential projects to improve broadband service and eliminate coverage gaps in the District of Muskoka.
View Regional Broadband Strategy
Township Council requests Province to reduce pole attachment fees for broadband providers
- November 11, 2020 Council resolution - C-3-11/11/20 - Broadband Pole Attachments Fees
- March 4, 2021 - Ontario introduces Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 - legislation proposes to reduce costs to broadband providers associated with attaching broadband wirelines to hydro utility poles.
Internet 101 - Definitions & Terminology |
Internet and Connectivity are terms used extensively throughout our webpage and content. Internet is simply the product individuals want to subscribe to and use while connectivity refers to the way people are hooked up to the Internet, and may include dial-up telephone lines, cable, always-on broadband connections, Satellite, Hotspots and Wireless. We would like to highlight some differences in the latter – connectivity – for your awareness. Internet connection options vary by Internet Service Provider (ISP) and by region. Customers should consider some of the following factors before selecting an Internet package: speed or bandwidth, cost, availability, reliability and convenience. In order to determine what Internet plan is right for you, we recommend you review the different types of Internet connections available on the market today. Understanding The Differences Between Internet ConnectionsWhen determining which type of Internet connection is right for you or your family, it's important to understand the distinction between each connection. In today's age, there are numerous ways to connect laptops, desktops, mobile phones, gaming consoles, e-readers and tablets to the Internet. Some of the most widely used Internet connections are described below. WirelessRadio frequency bands are used in place of telephone or cable networks. One of the greatest advantages of wireless Internet connections is the "always-on" connection that can be accessed from any location that falls within network coverage. Wireless connections are made possible through the use of a modem, which picks up Internet signals and sends them to other devices. MobileMany cell phone and smartphone providers offer voice plans with Internet access. Mobile Internet connections provide good speeds and allow you to access the Internet. HotspotsHotspots are sites that offer Internet access over a wireless local area network (WLAN) by way of a router that then connects to an Internet service provider. Hotspots utilize Wi-Fi technology, which allows electronic devices to connect to the Internet or exchange data wirelessly through radio waves. Hotspots can be phone-based or free-standing, commercial or free to the public. Dial-upDial-up connections require users to link their phone line to a computer in order to access the Internet. This particular type of connection—also referred to as analog—does not permit users to make or receive phone calls through their home phone service while using the Internet. BroadbandThis high-speed Internet connection is provided through either cable or telephone companies. One of the fastest options available, broadband Internet uses multiple data channels to send large quantities of information. The term broadband is shorthand for broad bandwidth. Broadband Internet connections such as DSL and cable are considered high-bandwidth connections. Although many DSL connections can be considered broadband, not all broadband connections are DSL. DSLDSL, which stands for Digital Subscriber Line, uses existing 2-wire copper telephone line connected to one's home so service is delivered at the same time as landline telephone service. Customers can still place calls while surfing the Internet. CableCable Internet connection is a form of broadband access. Through use of a cable modem, users can access the Internet over cable TV lines. Cable modems can provide extremely fast access to the Internet. SatelliteIn certain areas where broadband connection is not yet offered, a satellite Internet option may be available. Similar to wireless access, satellite connection utilizes a modem. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)ISDN allows users to send data, voice and video content over digital telephone lines or standard telephone wires. The installation of an ISDN adapter is required at both ends of the transmission—on the part of the user as well as the Internet access provider. There are quite a few other Internet connection options available, including T-1 lines, T-3 lines, OC (Optical Carrier) and other DSL technologies. As you decide what Internet connection is the best fit for your needs, you may wish to narrow down your selection based on your preferred download and upload speeds, or based on deals and pricing options through an Internet Service Provider. ISP (Internet Service Provider)An ISP is a company that provides Internet connections and services to individuals and organizations. In addition to providing access to the Internet, ISPs may also provide software packages (such as browsers), e-mail accounts, and a personal Web site or home page. |
Internet Service Providers |
The Federal Government hosts a database of known service providers by geographic region. Enter your address to find out who serves your area.
Connected NorthLet Connected North help you find services to connect in Northern Ontario. We all need to be connected. However access to the services that allow us to connect can be tough to find when you live in Northern Ontario. The open spaces and the rugged beauty that draw us and keep us here can also create obstacles. The Connected North website was created to help you find services to connect in Northern Ontario. Stay connected to the office, to loved ones and to the rest of the world. Find out who provides high speed internet services at your home or business on the Connected North website. |
Broadband Mapping |
Broadband Service Maps
Broadband Tower Maps |
Federal/Provincial Broadband Resources |
Government of Canada - High-speed Internet for all of Canada Committed to connecting 98% of Canadians to high-speed Internet by 2026 and all Canadians by 2030. Province of Ontario - Ontario Connects Committed nearly $4 billion to connect every region in Ontario to reliable, high-speed internet by the end of 2025. |
Test Your Internet Speed |
Residents and businesses can use the test tool to measure actual internet speed at their properties (the speed to both upload and download data) and are encouraged to take several speed tests to capture the variation in speed associated with different times of day. |
Public Wi-Fi Locations |
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